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Cyclone Clear Pre Roll - 9 Flavours

Cyclone clear super slow burning, pre-rolled clear cones. Tobacco free and full of flavour.

Available in 9 flavours. 
- Blueberry
- Grape
- Cherry
- Tiki Tango
- White Chocolate
- Strawberry
- Rockstar Cola
- Peach 
- The Purple Unknown (2 cones per tube)

The Cyclone Clear Blunt come in a tough plastic tube which can be used to store your blunt once you've filled it with your choice of smoking mix. Nothing will crush your blunt in this tube - as you go about you day you can take it out for a smoke and replace it as and when you fancy. Cone made from Asiatic Cotton Mallow and tobacco free.

1 cone per tube. 

Length: 110mm

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